Three seniors drinking wine together

How to Make Friends in Retirement

Posted On Oct 05, 2021

Making friends seems to become harder as we grow older. But when you start finding new avenues for connection, new friendships will grow.

It’s a fact of life that we grow into and out of friendships as we get older. Our schedules no longer match up, retirement isolates us from our work friends, people move away, and other major life changes can create distance between those we were once close to. But science confirms what we already know: strong bonds are the most important factor to our health, especially as we age. Loneliness is even more detrimental to us than smoking, so it’s important that we continue to cultivate new relationships at every stage of life.

Find New Avenues of Connection

One of the easiest things you can do to develop new relationships, especially with people who are in similar places in life, is to get out of your comfort zone and into the world around you. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Join Clubs and Groups

In most cities and towns, there are already established clubs that meet for activities or conversation around hobbies of interest. Book clubs, Veterans groups, hiking meets – these are just a few of the standard clubs around you but there are hundreds more for even the most obscure interests. And if you can’t find a nearby group you like? Create your own! 

Attend Local Events

From free local concerts to fascinating talks at the library, attending nearby events you’re interested in is a sure way to meet like minded friends without breaking the bank. You can find local events through your town newspaper, community center, or library. Don’t forget to check if the events offer discounts for seniors so you can stretch your retirement dollars even more.

Volunteer and Mentor

Organizations across the country are always in need of additional help. Find one with a mission that resonates with you, and sign up in a role that requires you to work with other volunteers. Have you also considered becoming a mentor? There’s no greater gift than sharing your knowledge and experience with the generations to follow.

Take Advantage of Technology

Using social media to find new avenues of connection doesn’t have to be limited to events. There are dozens of sites that are designed to lead to in-person meets. Social media apps like, Friender, and Nextdoor are all locally based and can help you find people in your area with the same desire to connect.

Strengthen Current Relationships

The best way to keep current relationships strong is to be intentional about time spent. Use these tips to focus and expand your attention on those already in your life.

Become a Trailing Parent

A Trailing Parent is one who lives close enough to their adult children to be of support and guidance yet still far enough away for breathing room. If moving is possible for you, consider taking the leap to live closer to your kids.

Do Tasks Together

Everyday tasks can be so much more fun when you have someone to do them with. Find affordable life insurance for seniors one day, do your taxes together another day. Make it an event, help each other through it, and suddenly a mundane task becomes a bonding moment.

Set Aside Time to Reach Out

Send a card or letter. Type out an email. Give someone a call. Schedule some time once a week to connect to your long-distance friends and let them know you are thinking of them. Your efforts will not only touch hearts and create lasting memories, but encourage your loved ones to reach for you, too.

Commit to a Recurring Date

Spouses, significant others, best friends – even grandkids – deserve a set date with you each month. Meet your old work friends for lunch or a happy hour after work. Whatever it is you do together matters less than giving yourself something to look forward to.

How to Build Deeper Bonds

The strongest connections can transcend any amount of distance. That’s because once a deep bond is built, you will easily fall into the flow of your relationship when you pick it back up again. Here’s how to build those bonds in retirement.

Be Yourself

For many reasons, it can be scary for all of us to be our authentic selves. Rejection in any form can be incredibly difficult to overcome. But there is a saying about being yourself that you can take with you into any relationship: Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter. 

Share and Accept Emotions

Just as it’s difficult to be yourself, showing vulnerability can sometimes seem impossible. Not only because emotions have a stigma to them in our society but because of the same fears of rejection. Being vulnerable though, is absolutely necessary to feeling close to those around you. Remember, we are all the same underneath and a little compassion goes a long way.

Follow the Tenets of Good Relationships

To build a strong bond, there are basic tenets to follow. This includes asking questions and showing interest in others. It means sharing your experiences and stories. It takes active listening and honoring feelings. And it requires learning to forgive and apologize. Good relationships demand time, effort, and thought – so choose wisely!

Strengthen Your Current Relationship with Senior Life Insurance

Strengthening your relationships is not just about the people you’re connected to but the services and products in your life – like senior life insurance. With Americo Senior Life, you’ll get connected to affordable life insurance for seniors. Guaranteed coverage, and rates that stay the same; that sounds like a great relationship to have in your life. Reach out to us for an online quote today!