senior couple grocery shopping

11 Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors

Posted On Mar 31, 2022

As we enter our golden years, many of our nutritional needs change. Our health depends on eating enough of the right foods and avoiding types of foods that can lead to chronic conditions like heart disease and obesity.

Understanding your personal nutritional needs and achieving nutritional goals is not as complicated as it may seem, nor is it expensive. We’ve compiled a list of eleven healthy eating tips for seniors below.    

#1 Plan Your Meals

A great way to ensure you’re eating a healthy diet (and saving money) is by implementing a meal plan. Set aside time each week to find healthy recipes and put them on your shopping list. Knowing what you plan to buy ahead of time keeps you from making poor choices at the grocery store. 

Meal planning and having the ingredients to make dinner in the house may prevent you from eating out. 

#2 Read Nutrition Labels

A vital way to ensure healthy eating for seniors is to read the nutrition label. Some items may have a description such as “low sodium” or “healthy choice” but actually contain ingredients you want to avoid. By reading the label, you can discern what ingredients each item contains. Make sure to pay attention to artificial ingredients as some may be more harmful to your health than others.  

#3 Eat a Balanced Diet

Healthy eating for seniors doesn’t have to be difficult and doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice your favorite foods. It’s all about eating things in moderation and ensuring you get enough food to keep your body healthy. A great tool you can utilize is My Plate; it contains information about what types of food you need to incorporate into your diet. My Plate has loads of healthy recipes, cookbooks, and even videos that can help you reach your nutritional goals. This site can even help you shop and stay within your budget. 

#4 Decrease Your Sodium Intake

The CDC reports that most people consume too much sodium and that a majority of it comes from processed and restaurant food. Too much sodium can lead to chronic health conditions like heart disease and stroke. Try minimizing the number of times you eat out each week. Instead, make more of your meals at home and avoid using salt to flavor your food.  

#5 Minimize Sugars

Minimizing your daily salt intake is essential, but it’s also wise to watch your sugar consumption. Refined sugars have empty calories, meaning they provide no nutritional value to you. It’s also wise to be wary of sugar replacements, as these can be just as harmful to your health. If you are craving something sweet, try eating a piece of fruit. In addition to helping your body obtain key nutrients, fruits are a great way to introduce more liquids into your diet, as most fruit is largely made up of water.

#6 Include Healthy Fats

Eating healthy for seniors includes eating fats. Fats are a nutrient and just as necessary in your diet as protein. The trick is to make sure you are eating the right fats. Trans fats and saturated fats cause obesity and other conditions such as heart disease. These fats can be found in prepackaged and fried foods and should be avoided. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are known as good fats and aid in good heart health. These fats are found in fish, avocados, and nuts. Additionally, these good fats can aid in weight loss by helping you feel full after a meal. 

#7 Season with Herbs

You already get enough sodium in your diet as is; try substituting it in your cooking with herbs. Did you know that sage may help improve brain and memory function? Sage inhibits the breakdown of acetylcholine, low levels of which are seen in Alzheimer’s patients. But sage is not the only herb that has secret healing powers. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar and turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects. 

#8 Keep Hydrated

You may have been told that your body requires eight glasses of water a day. While this may be appropriate for some people, certain health conditions require other individuals to drink more than eight glasses. If your urine is light in color and you rarely feel thirsty, this indicates that you are hydrated. 

#9 Take a Multivitamin

Most of our nutritional needs are met through our diet, but there is a chance that you may be lacking in some vitamins and minerals. If you think you may not be getting enough of the nutrients you need from your diet, talk to your doctor about supplementing with vitamins. Your doctor will be able to take samples to verify any deficiencies and recommend the best supplement for you. 

#10 Apply for SNAP

The cost of eating healthy may be higher. For most seniors living on a fixed income, an increase in their monthly grocery bill may not be something they can afford. If you are 60 or older, you may qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP benefits are accepted almost everywhere, including your local grocery stores. Contact your state’s local social services department to verify your eligibility and apply. 

#11 Utilize a Meal Delivery Service

If you are physically unable to go to the store or cook your food, consider purchasing a meal delivery service. There are plenty to choose from and they may be more affordable than you think. Meals on Wheels provides up to five hot meals a week delivered to you at cost, making them an affordable option. 

Affordable Senior Life Insurance

Eating a balanced diet is essential for long-term health goals. Your financial health should be just as important to you as well. At Americo Senior Life, we help seniors find affordable life insurance policies. You can get your free life insurance quote online now, or check our insights page for more helpful tips!